We use affirmations to balance our energy centers, aka chakras.
When we are feeling unsafe, we can work to strengthen our root chakra (located at our tail bone) by repeating the affirmation: “I am grounded and safe.”
When we are feeling blocked creatively, we can work to strengthen our sacral chakra (located just below our navel) by repeatedly saying the affirmation: “I am sexual energy.”
When we are feeling insecure in ourselves, we can work to strengthen our solar plexus chakra (located above our navel) by repeatedly saying the affirmation: “I believe in my own power.”
When we are feeling unlovable/unworthy , we can work to strengthen heart chakra (located at our heart) by repeatedly saying the affirmation: “I give and receive love in its purest form.”
When we are feeling afraid to speak our truth, we can work to strengthen our throat chakra (located at our neck) by repeatedly saying the affirmation: “My words ring out powerfully.”
When we are feeling unsure of situations/people, we can work to strengthen our brow chakra (located between our eyes) by repeatedly saying the affirmation: “I trust my intuition.”
When we are feeling lost, we can work to strengthen our crown chakra (located above our heads) by repeatedly saying the affirmation: “I am God.”