Repost from @repro.autonomy
A small handful of the common assumptions that come with observing someone’s pregnancy. ✨
That the pregnancy was intentional or planned. That the sperm comes from someone of the same race as the pregnant person. That the pregnant person is a woman. That the pregnant person is straight. That the pregnant person is cisgender. That the pregnant person’s partner is a cisgender man. That the pregnant person has a partner at all. That the pregnant person has only one partner. That they plan on gendering their infant. That they want unmedicated births. That their conceiving process was consensual. That the pregnant person is going to be the infant’s parent. That a second person accompanying the pregnant person to appointments and classes is the second parent. That the pregnant person has insurance. That the pregnant person can afford the infant “necessities” recommended by others. That the pregnant person has access to resources.
We have to face our ingrained biases and be more inclusive, to better serve pregnant people and support their autonomies & informed choices.
Never stop educating yourself. Always practice informed consent. Make no assumptions—ask, ask, ASK!
#pride #doula #birthdoula #doulalife #doulatraining #doulasupport #doulas #birthwork #birthworker #reproductivejusticedoula #labor #theythem #fullspectrumdoula #birthstory #birthstories #childbirth #naturalchildbirth #unmedicatedbirth #childbirtheducation #lgbt #pridemonth #postpartum #queer #reproductiverights #reproductivehealth #reproductivejustice #abortion #abortionrights #prochoice
